Sunday, February 8, 2009

waiting for sun to set?

so i went to sunset today, since its the only day that would fit into my schedule..
not to bad actually, rained just a tiny bit, mostly cloudy. very windy though.
i got on the bus from Vermont/Sunset and head west.
when i hit UCLA (which the bus turned away from sunset)
i ride back.

i gathered some more stories through photography, illustration and notes,
and, to my surprise, i collected two in-depth stories today.
they're kinda like interviews.
one guy, gary, he came up to me and talked to me for like 20 minutes.
he was advertising for the radio station 106.7
and i didnt realize until almost the end of the conversation that it's a christian station
not "the wave" hahahahahah
so ya. basically hes trying to talk Jesus into my life.
and wants me to tell all my friends and family about christianity.
im not here to judge. even though i don't think i'll do as he said.
he's a character. i got his picture and im going to have like a bigger page for him.
another in-depth conversation is with two korean girls who are here just for a month.
they're in UCLA extension program.
one is computer engineering major, the other fashion design.
they're heading toward hollywood at that point.
they let me took pic of them and they made funny face.

anyway. enough the talk.
here are the people i talk with and some photos that i will draw from for my illustrations.
(which have been moved to the top urrrrrrrrrrrrr)


  1. Hey Tracy,

    The first guy looks like a freak. Total weirdo. Holla.

  2. cool! can't wait to see the handwritten lives :)
